VCF/vCard to Excel/CSV Online Converter

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Kindly read following information about usage of this tool
This is the most powerful yet extremely simple tool to convert your contacts in VCF to CSV file or convert vCard to excel file. vCard version 2.1 and 3.0 are supported. More number of contacts will, apparently, take more time to convert. To convert contacts in excel to vCard format, use our Excel to VCF Converter. Must Watch video tutorial here: If you have any issues converting the file, our contact details are given below. Send us your file. We are here to help!How to use?
1. There is a form below. Select VCF or vCard file you wish to convert.
2. Select output format: Excel (xlsx) or CSV (Excel format is recommended for all languages)
3. Input your email address. You will receive demo file in your inbox. If satisfied with demo, make a small payment for complete file.